Children have the right to PLAY (Declaration of the Rights of the Child)
- Children are capable and competent
- Children actively construct their own learning
- Children learn in dynamic, complex and holistic ways
- Children are encouraged to initiate and lead learning. They should actively participate in learning and decision making (EYLF)
Palmwoods Kindy respectfully welcomes the presence and contributions of every family. Each family brings their own beliefs, traditions and experiences.
- Families know their children best and are their children’s first teacher
- Families are encouraged to bring their own ideas and skills to positively contribute to the program, the environment and the management of the centre.
- Families are supported to connect with and collaborate with other families, services and in the wider community
We acknowledge the First Nations People, the Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi people as the original custodians of the land on which our service sits.
- Our Kindergarten reaches out to families in Palmwoods and the wider locale.
- We make connections with local schools, organisations and businesses to strengthen our sense of place and purpose.
- We welcome local organisations and groups to visit and contribute to our service.
We support children to act with respect, and kindness for themselves, for others and the natural and built environment.
- We are reflective and committed to personal and professional growth
- We are collaborative, friendly and respectful
- We research and co-construct learning with children.
- We make children’s thinking visible and give each child a voice
- offer opportunities for all children to participate and share their ideas by utilising a wide range of strategies, materials and documentation.
- focus on children’s strengths to build skills and solve problems across multiple areas
- We encourage resilience and independence.
Learning Framework
Our program is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework, our knowledge of children and the Building Waterfalls Curriculum.
We also incoporate the use of…
- Queensland Kindergaren Learning Guidelines
- The Indigenous 8 Ways of Thinking Curriculum
- Current Theory and research to support children’s learning and development.
Our Environment acts as the ‘Third Teacher’.
We believe that children learn best in an organised aesthetically pleasing, uncluttered space.
Our teaching space reflects our deep respect for children’s ideas and individuality
We nurture a natural playground to build children’s connection with nature.
We are committed to promoting and enacting sustainable practices
Management Accountability and Leadership
Palmwoods Community Kindergarten is managed by a group of volunteer Parents in co-operation with the Centre Directors..
This leadership team will
- Reflect our current philosophy and underpinning principles in all of their communication and behaviour
- Consider all stakeholders in our Kindergarten – Families, Children, Staff (Admin, Educational, Contractors) and the local community .
- Uphold the policies and principles laid out by our Central Governing Body –the Creche and Kindergarten Association (C & K)
- Comply with and aim to exceed the National Quality Standards as legislated by ACECQA